Our Company has been providing high-quality construction workers of different construction professions including full administrative support and all inclusive coverage to Slovak and foreign partners for more than 10 years.
"High-quality workers for your project"
Countries where professional workers have been hired
Number of staff seconded a year
Number of Finished Projects
Countries where Staff have been hired
Number of staff seconded a year
Number of finished projects
"High-quality staff for your project"
Benefits of cooperation
Slovak and foreign partners are provided with high-quality construction workers of different construction professions including full administrative support and all inclusive coverage.
All-inclusive rate includes remuneration of staff, accommodation costs, road transport from/to your country and other as agreed.
Provision of certificates, permits, insurance, workwear and tools.
Simplified administration - just one invoice for a crew.
Different construction professions
Flexible working hours and dynamic team size. Experience and language knowledge requested
Various forms of cooperation according to your law
Construction professions
Scaffold Builder
a guy not troubled by view from height
a guy to keep us warm at home
Drywall Installer
a guy to create canvas for interior design
a guy with walls growing under his hands
Clinker Bricklayer
a guy to see each brick in detail
a guy to protect us from wind or storm
a guy to bring any issue to light
a guy who never says no
Bar Bender
a guy who can put his strength to foundations
Glass Facade Assembler
a guy in the know of facade glass
Window Assembler
a guy to give us view of what is neeeded
a guy who knows where all things are
Staff Quality
Our company only cooperate with responsible and hard-working workmen who have sufficient experience in their fields.
At least half of the team speak English.
Team Professionalism
Seconded staff hold certificates according to law of a country in question, requirements of a contractor and as mutually agreed.
– A1, ID06, Safe construction training, SSG, SWEA notifications , F-tax, Särskild ställningsutbildning, Säkra lyft och lasthanteing, Mobila arbetsplattformar, Arbete pa Hog Hojd, Väderskyddsutbildning …